Welcome to the Romantic Date Picker ❀️


My dearest, Armando, i intended to code (Writting HTML and CSS still counts as coding!) from scratch this website to commemorate our love and beautifully blossoming relationship- the sheer lengths i would go for you knows no bounds. I hope you enjoy this fun website and maybe you can share it with friends looking for ideas (it’s completely PG!). Happy Valentine’s Day, My Love. I love you and i miss you alwaysπŸ’•

You mean the world to me... ❀️ When i started writing this i initially thought of doing a complete rerun of our past year but that felt too cheesy and a bit more of an anniversary moment. Then i dug deeper into our last valentine’s. It wasn’t exactly a peak in our relationship (the three month rule πŸ™) But even when things were tough, the thing that kept us together was us. Us wanting to try and loving eachother enough to see the bad parts and love them anyways. I never thought i would find a love like that. And if taking the bus all the way to watford with empty stomachs didn’t break us apart, i definitely think we’re unstoppable. It also could've been the sheer amount of beers we had the night before which really drove us insane the following day. Anyways, i hope you can see and feel how much effort and love and blood and sweat and tears i put into this. I know it will have all been worth it the second i see a smile on your face. I can truly imagine the rest of our lives together, I Love You, Mandy xoxo



Next Time We See Each Other In:


Pick Our Next Valentine's Date ❀️

How shall we start our morning?

Pastries and Eggs Instagram Meditation
